Support for CT Navigator Suite


Here you find an overview of common support issues and their solutions.
Please don't hesitate to contact if you require further assistance.

Who to contact

You can contact CT Support for all your CT Navigator Suite issues by mail via
Please be as descriptive as possible describing the issue, preferably with a screenshot clearly showing the issue or error message.

The Navigator Suite installation zip file contains a "Quick Start" guide to help you on your way, as well as an installation guide and back-up procedure.

Each module has its own quick guide which you can access by clicking "Help" in the header of the module.

The documentation is available in English and Chinese
To switch language, please go to the Home page of the Navigator Suite.
Click "Settings" in the top bar and choose "Update Settings".<
This will open the "Portal Settings".
In the "Miscellaneous" block, select the language you want to use and make sure to click the save icon to save your choice. Your Help files will now be available in the chosen language.
Please note the tiles, titles and navigation of your Navigator Suite will always remain in English.

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Minimum system requirements

  • Operating system: Recommended(*) Windows 10 Service Pack 1 or later, Windows Server 2016 or later(**)
  • CPU: 2 GHz processor or faster
  • Memory: Recommended(*) 8Gb RAM
  • Hard drive: Recommended(*) 20Gb free disk space
  • Media: USB 2.0
  • Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels

(*) Disclaimer: If not meeting recommended minimum requirements, software may still be installed but smooth workings are not guaranteed and support will be charged. For information on our hardware solutions, Please contact your chart agent.
(**) Please note Navigator Suite can be installed on a Windows server but additional software such as Navigator+, EasyNav, NavReader, NavLog, ADP and Admiralty e-Reader will not allow server installation.

If you are unsure if you meet these requirements, please contact your IT department for assistance.

Please note, as Navigator is a synchronized data tool, it can only be actively used on one computer. Navigator Suite needs to be installed as Administrator or Local Administrator.

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Back-up procedure

Please note there is no legal requirement to have a backup installation of the program that is designed to provide you with updates. So, from a legal point of view, if a vessel has a backup for their ECDIS, ADP and e-NP that’s sufficient.

Yes, a backup is possible but as Navigator Suite is a synchronized data tool, it can only be installed and actively used on one computer.
Update requests coming from another computer will be blocked automatically. As updating is part of the activation, you can install Navigator Suite on a 2nd computer but not activate it. Activating the software will also cause your updating to be blocked automatically.

Alternatively, the vessel can choose to only install on their main computer and just backup their “C:\CHART TRACK\Data” folder on a USB.
In this case you avoid the vessel sending an update from the backup computer by accident and blocking their updating.

In case of hardware failure, they just need to install on another computer and copy the data folder to the new installation. The data folder will contain all updates and corrections up to the date of the backup and the inventory will be available again after loading the first update.

You can find the full backup procedure included in the setup zip file and in the Help document from the Navigator Suite portal. You can access this by clicking the “Help” icon in the header of the Navigator Suite portal.

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Move installation to a new computer

Install Navigator Suite on the new computer and activate the installation.
Your updating will initially be blocked, please inform that you wish to switch computer and ask them to release updating for the new computer.

When switching computers please make sure to disable automatic updating on the old computer first and do not use the old installation for updating anymore. Otherwise, this will cause data discrepancies.

Then to move the already received correction and updates from the old to the new computer:
First make sure Navigator Suite and all modules are closed.
Copy the "C:\CHART TRACK\Data" folder from the old computer to the "C:\CHART TRACK\Data" folder on the new computer. Once this is done, go to the "C:\CHART TRACK\NavTools\” folder.
Find the “PerformCheckPresent.bat" right-click this file and choose “Run as Administrator”.
This will verify which corrections and updates are currently present on your computer.
Once done, kindly send us a newly created update request.

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Error during installation

  1. Check and install any pending Windows updates, please also check with your IT department if any Windows updates may be blocked.
  2. Restart the computer.
  3. Extract all files in the installation zip file to the C drive of the computer.
  4. Right-click the .exe file and run as Administrator.

If you still experience an issue please send the following information to

  • A screenshot clearly showing the error you are getting.
  • The SQL installation log file, to find this file:
    Double click on "My Computer"
    Go to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Setup Bootstrap\Log"
    Go to the folder that is the newest (you can determine this by looking at the date it was modified).
    Go into that folder
    Find the file that begins with the word "Summary".
    Also include the SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm and the Detail.txt file and send these files to us please.

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Error during activation

Please note you require a valid CT license for Navigator Suite in order to be able to activate and use the software. Contact your chart agent for more information on fees, packages and acquiring the necessary CT License.

For online activation:

  • Make sure the computer is connected to the internet.
  • To be able to use Internet Direct Updating the vessel needs to be able to connect to: (port 443 which is standard for https). There is a “Hello world” page to quickly test accessibility.

If you still experience an issue please send a screenshot of the error you are getting, along with your correct IMO and MMSI number to

For offline activation: You can request an offline activation file from

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Requirements for update methods

Navigator Suite offers 3 methods for updating:

Internet, this will send the update request and load the update within the software over the internet. To be able to use Internet Direct Updating the vessel needs to be able to connect to: (port 443 which is standard for https). There is a “Hello world” page to quickly test accessibility.

If Company Security protocol requires a proxy, there is a possibility to set this. To set this go to "Outfit" and open the "Updating" module, you can enable and set proxy settings on the "Settings" tab. If not required these settings should remain disabled.

E-mail Direct or Automatic e-mail (depending your version), this will send the update request from within the software using SMTP settings and the updates are send to the recipient address set up for the vessel. You can get the correct SMTP settings from your IT department or e-mail provider. To set this go to "Outfit" and open the "Updating" module, you can set the SMTP settings on the "Settings" tab.

Save File or Manual e-mail (depending your version), this will generate an update request file (.CTREQ). The request file needs to be attached to a mail and send to, the updates are sent to the recipient address set up for the vessel.

For both e-mail methods, please make sure to white list e-mails with attachments coming from the domain.

The recipient address from the vessel must be able to send and receive encrypted zip files as attachment with following extensions: .CTPUPD, .CTBLK, .CTPLIC
Attachment size is 1mb maximum by default.

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Setting the correct dates

In order for our system to know which updates you already have on board and which updates are still missing, the correct dates need to be set.

To do so, in your Navigator Suite, go to "Outfit" and open the "Updating" module.
On the "Set Dates" tab, set the dates as follows:
AVCS: This should be the date of the latest AVCS Base DVD on board.
ENP: This should be the date of the latest AENP Update DVD on board.
ADP: This should be the date as shown on your ADP certificate.

These dates do not need to be manually changed each week, only when you receive new DVD's on board.
The date for ADP will adjust itself automatically after exporting.

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