Whale Guardians™

Make way for whales

Whale Guardians™ is an international program for whale ship strike prevention dedicated to establishing Whale Guardians™ Certified Shipping in order to help the world’s great whales recover toward pre-whaling populations.

Healthy whales = healthy planet

Whales are crucial to a healthy ocean and a livable planet.
Scientists have discovered that whales are ecosystem engineers, helping to capture carbon in their bodies and fertilize the oceans so more phytoplankton grow.

What is the problem

Each year 100’s, possibly thousands of great whales around the globe are unintentionally being hit, injured and killed by large ships.

These mortalities, are stopping some whale populations from recovering to their pre whaling abundance.

The Whale Guardians™ solution

Whale Guardians™ maps shipping activity against whale sighting data to determine where co-occurrence of whales and vessels is happening.

They then create a tailor made document on the best practices to reduce these lethal and unintentional ship strikes in each particular location.

What Whale Guardians™ will do to fix it

The program makes the whale ship strike problem visible urgent, and actionable.

The Whale Guardians™ program produces co-occurrence maps, develops best practices, and builds partnerships with all industry stakeholders.

Contact sales@bogerdmartin.com for more information.