CT Navigator Suite with Navigator+



Our ENC Viewer expansion for Navigator Suite

Expand your Navigator Suite experience with Navigator+ (CTN+), our ENC Viewer. The perfect tool for enhanced route planning with optional modules like weather, ECA & Marpol zones, Nav Areas and Passage Planning.

Contact sales@bogerdmartin.com for more information.


A fully functional ENC Viewer

Navigator+ allows the user to view all the ENC’s they are licensed to use. Navigator+ can offer:

  • A to B via C route planning
  • Overlay Weather information
  • Overlay ADP information
  • Overlay AENP information
  • Overlay ECA zones

Its user-friendly interface makes plotting unplanned deviations a job everyone will want to do.

Seamlessly Integrated

Navigator+ intergrates seamlessly with Navigator Suite:

  • Keep ENC’s in the viewer up to date with the exported updates fromNavigator Suite
  • Import routes from Navigator Suite or from your ECDIS
  • Export Routes to Navigator Suite or to your ECDIS

CTN+ updates its ADP overlay directly from your ADP program and comes with it's own integrated AENP Reader which is also updated with the exported updates from Navigator Suite.

Optional modules

Optional modules can be acquired:.

  • ECA and MARPOL Zones
  • NavAreas
  • Passage Planning
  • Weather

Choose what is needed for your fleet.


Bogerd Martin co-operates with Chart Track to provide its customers a wide range of custom software solutions to simplify your daily tasks.